Nicotine (download)

Here goes my first attempt at a brain wave entrainment file for beating an addiction... in this case tobacco smoking. After about 2 hours of research and another 2 hours of building the actual file using gnaural, Nicotine.wav has been born. It's a bit rough around the edges though, so I'll polish it up in the coming weeks.  It can really be used in place of any addictive substance (i.e. alcohol, benzodiazepines, weak opioids, weak stimulants) but it's suited more for tobacco smoking (nicotine).  I'll work on the other drugs later if this proves effective.

Made using a combination of alpha/theta binaural beats with predominating isochronic alpha. You must wear good quality headphones/earbuds for the full effect, but will work to a (much lesser) degree over stereo speakers once you're up close and in between L and R speakers. (within 2 feet) and it must be listened to in its entirety for the desired effect. Visualize yourself smoking a cigarette, preferably with eyes closed, at the 2 minute mark and concentrate on what you are hearing. Comments are welcome since I need to tweak it !!!*

The reason the file is so large is because file compression damages the quality of binaural recordings.... for those not familiar with them.  If you find it too annoying, try listening to music at a low volume (about 1/4-1/5 the volume of the recording), like the following:

Anyway, a good way to gauge the appropriate loudness for the file is to raise the volume to the point where the pink noise is audible (it sounds like white noise/radio static).  Once you can hear the pink noise, do not turn it up any louder or it may cause a headache.  Of course this cannot cure addiction but it may help.  Comment if you need any further help on how to properly use this file.

File: Nicotine.wav
Effects: Relaxation, reduced urge to smoke.  May experience slight drowsiness and/or a fluttering noise by the 5:30 mark.  This is normal and temporary.  Increased effectiveness with repeated listenings.  Control cravings to mild stimulants/depressants by listening to it every twenty minutes or so (or whenever you smoke).
File size: 86.8 MB
Length (minutes): 8 minutes, 36 seconds.
Binaural beats: yes
Isochronic pulses: yes
Subliminal: no
Pink noise: yes
*By downloading this file you agree that I have no responsibility for any damages that may occur as a result of it. Do not drive or operate dangerous machinery while listening to this track. Also people prone to seizures or any type of cardiac problem should NOT listen to it.
Will post more info on it later, including its frequencies and volume of those frequencies.

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